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Come and join a fun afternoon party with artists Lai Yee (@flowlaiyee) and Kumi Masunaga (@kumidrumjam) at one of the coolest ethnic fashion boutiques ( in the heart of Causeway Bay on Easter Monday!

Experience improvisational music-making with your voice and body, facilitated by Kumi, followed by a freestyle music jam. (Please bring your own instruments for that whether it is a drum, a guitar, a harmonica, a DIY beans-in-a-can shaker, etc.) 

You'll also enjoy homemade masala tea and snack, fun games with prizes, a welcome gift and a special 10% discount on original-priced items at Gypsyhood. 

This event is open to 18 yrs old or above only.


Seats are limited to the first 20 people who sign up with payment. Book your ticket today!

Ticket: HK$200 incl. tea, snack and a welcome gift

Date: 10th April (Monday)
Time: 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Venue: GYPSYHOOD, 3/F, 518 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay (Behind SOGO)

Inquiry: whatsapp 
92208268 (Oli)
69070722 (Lai Yee)
97504212 (Kumi 日本語でどうぞ)


到時你將可體驗和Kumi一齊用聲音和身體即興創作音樂,用樂器即興玩音樂 ( 請自備樂器:鼓、吉他、長笛、口琴、各類敲擊樂等 ) 玩遊戲贏獎品。

還可以享有九折選購民族服飾,民族小飾品一份,同時品嚐特製香料奶茶及印度小食 !!



門票:HKD200 ( 包括: 茶, 小食, 民族飾品一份 )

地點:銅鑼灣駱克道518號3樓GYPSYHOOD (崇光百貨後面)

查詢可whatsapp : 69070722/ 92208268


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